Learn languages online - and yet like in face-to-face classes

With our language courses as a guided face-to-face course with a teacher or with our software licenses for tutor-led self-study. You are always flexible when and where you want. The first trial lesson is always non-binding and free of charge

Our self-service language course licenses


You can learn best independently, with free time management, and still with tutor support? Then use our software licenses to learn the German language independently. Our tutors will accompany you and provide you with advice and support.

Teacher-led language course

Group course

Would you like to attend a language course, but can only participate online? No problem! We offer our language courses as teacher-led online courses, as intensive or extensive courses with 10-20 hours per week. You learn with a teacher, in the course system, with other language students, all from the comfort of your own home

Individual lessons with a teacher online

Are you looking for an online solution with individual support? Then our teachers are of course also available for individual lessons. We offer lessons by arrangement, with trained teachers for German as a foreign language.

Software - License for language learning, all levels

from €249.00

as a license for 6 months

Ideal for individuals who want to learn flexibly and independently, but still want the support of a tutor

Inquire now

Language course with a teacher as a group course online, all levels

from €5.30

Per hour

Ideal for individuals who would like to learn with a teacher in a group

Inquire now

Individual lessons online with a teacher, all levels

from €31.00

Per hour

Ideal for individuals who want to achieve rapid learning progress through intensive individual support

Inquire now

Free consultation appointment

Send us a message. We will contact you! You have the choice: We offer personal consultations, telephone consultations and online consultations.

Are you interested in our language courses? We are always there for you!

In order to be able to offer you the perfect solution, we need precise information about your requirements. Tell us what you are looking for and you will receive the best possible support.

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