According to the Advancement Training Promotion Act (AFBG), the Advancement BAföG (formerly Meister-BAföG), which is jointly financed by the federal and state governments, is a combination of a grant and a loan. The funding is intended to support professional qualification and further training.
What is funded?Aufstiegs-BAföG supports professional advancement training in the non-academic field. These are, for example, master classes, specialist and technician training or other preparatory courses with a comparable degree.
Who is eligible? All those who are preparing for a full-time or part-time vocational training exam with a course or directly at the technical college can be eligible for funding.
The following points also apply:
- University dropouts or high school graduates without an initial qualification can also receive AFBG funding for their further training if they can demonstrate relevant professional experience. - Interested parties who already have a bachelor’s degree (or comparable university degree) can also receive AFBG funding. However, this must be their highest university degree. Foreigners are eligible for funding if they have their permanent place of residence in Germany and have certain residence titles or a permanent residence permit or if they have already been legally resident in Germany for 15 months and have been employed - here the period of vocational training also counts. There is no age limit.
What costs are covered? You apply for funding in the federal state in which you have your permanent residence. An overview of how to apply in the individual federal states can be found here.
- Regardless of income and assets, you can receive a contribution in the amount of the fees actually incurred in order to finance your course and examination fees. The amount is a maximum of 15,000 euros.* - You will receive 50% of the funding as a grant. For the remaining funding amount, there is an offer for a low-interest bank loan from the KfW.- In addition, upon application and if the exam is passed, 50% of the loan for course and exam fees that has not yet become due can be waived.- If you are participating in a full-time measure participate, you can also receive a contribution towards living expenses in addition to funding for further training costs.
Do you have any questions about funding? Use our free advice. We support you in saving as much money as possible. Call us: 02421/9746337
* Please note: The competent authority decides on the exact funding, including the amount of the loan! Further comprehensive information can be found at
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